College Counseling
There are well-over 3,000 colleges and universities in the United States with opportunities to study in hundreds of fields. We can sort through these options and expertly evaluate the institutions and programs that are the right fit for you.
The admissions and financial aid process can be very difficult to sort out on your own. Knowing what admissions committees look for, how to complete a college application effectively, and what resources are available for financial aid can solve the mysteries of this process.

What we do
​First, we offer thirty years of experience working in all areas of education from admissions and financial aid to housing, career planning, study abroad, and academic affairs. We have visited 500 colleges in the US and another 200 institutions overseas. We know how colleges and universities work, and the knowledge and experience that we have accumulated will serve you well. Second, we offer personalized assessment and advisement, tailored specifically to your needs. We view the admissions process as part of a larger whole, encompassing who you want to become both personally and professionally. We can provide you with full-time guidance that will help you to achieve your goals. To this end, we have developed a seven-stage process to assist you at every level of the college admissions application, from deciding on a major and a career path to planning for graduate or professional school.

“Ned’s extensive experience working for and interacting with colleges and universities all over the world has given him an encyclopedic knowledge of most colleges.​”
— Ray, parent
Twins will be attending
Boston College this fall
“I worked extensively with Ned during the period in which I was applying as a transfer student, shifting my life from the West Coast back to the East Coast.”
Savannah transferred from Scripps College to Brown University and went on to study at Duke University Medical School.
— Savannah, student